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Julia Roberts découvre des secrets sur son arbre généalogique lors de l'émission "Finding Your Roots". Julia Roberts discovers she isn't actually Julia 'Roberts' on Finding Your Roots. The Pretty Woman star took part in Ancestry's latest season of Finding Your Roots, a series in which Dr Henry Louis Gates Jr uses genealogical detective work and cutting-edge DNA analysis to guide guests through the branches of their family trees. Gates explained: "The story begins with her great grandfather, John Roberts, and with his mother, a woman named Rhoda Suttle." When asked about the name, Roberts admits she's never even heard of it, although she does joke that 'subtle', a play on the name Suttle, isn't a word that's ever been used to describe her family. Gates urges her to turn the page in the 1880 census for Douglas County, Georgia, where she's shown her great grandfather, full name John Pendleton Roberts. At the time he was a toddler, living under the care of his mother, Rhoda Suttle Roberts, alongside his three brothers. Gates said: "Digging into Georgia's County archives, we discovered that sometime in the 1850s, Rhoda married a man named Willis Roberts. Julia carries Willis' last name. But Willis passed away in 1864, over a decade before Rhoda gave birth to Julia's great grandfather, John, leading to an inescapable conclusion. Willis Roberts could not possibly be your great, great grandfather. He was dead." After scouring Douglas County records looking for any record that named John's father, they found nothing. Since the county didn't issue birth certificates and marriage certificates didn't name parents, the experts turned to a different tool: DNA. "Julia and one of her father's first cousins, a fellow descendant of John Roberts, both agreed to take DNA tests," explained Gates, adding: "We then compared their results to people in publicly available databases, searching for matches, hoping to identify John's father through the DNA of his descendants. In the end, we found a cluster of matches that tie Julia and her cousin to one man." After reading out the name Henry Mitchell Roberts asks: "So we're Mitchells?" To which Gates replies: "You're Julia Mitchell." The research led to another shocking discovery that may just have uncovered a dark family secret - Rhoda lived not far from Mitchell's widowed mother - so perhaps he was sneaking off for a cheeky affair with Rhoda while pretending he was visiting his mum. As for Roberts, although she admits it's an 'unexpected turn', she quips she still 'prefers the name Roberts'.

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