Une blogueuse se "métamorphose" pour dénoncer les photos avant/après sur Instagram
Publié le 16 février 2016 à 15:53
Par Atika Nasri
Il faut toujours se méfier des apparences. La preuve : sur Instagram, une blogueuse fitness prénommée Jessica Pack a prouvé, grâce à une photo avant/après réalisée le même jour, qu'il était possible de tricher pour se mettre plus à son avantage.
Jessica Pack, une blogueuse fitness qui fait le buzz sur Instagram grâce à un avant/après réalisé le même jour Jessica Pack, une blogueuse fitness qui fait le buzz sur Instagram grâce à un avant/après réalisé le même jour© Instagram, plankingforpizza
La suite après la publicité

Un avant/après qui fait le buzz

On ne compte plus le nombre de filles qui poste des photos avant/après sur Instagram afin de dévoiler leur évolution physique et qui font donc complexer de nombreux internautes. Pourtant, il n'y a pas de quoi parfois et Jessica Pack l'a prouvé. Depuis juin, la blogueuse fitness met en ligne des photos/vidéos de ses exercices et de son changement physique sur le réseau social. Rien de bien neuf jusque là. Ce qui change ? Elle a souhaité dévoiler un avant/après... le même jour. Et le résultat n'est pas du tout le même comme vous pouvez le voir ci-dessous :

This is not a transformation photo This week I've decided to do the 30 second transformation photo. These pics were taken second apart this morning. On the left my posture is poor, I'm pushing my belly out as far as possible, I adjusted my bottoms to show my gross, unsightly and horrid love handles. These are often concealed by my high waisted pants and bottoms that do fit so much better now. As much as it pains me to showcase these, it also proves that my body isn't perfect and that I still have work to do and fat to lose (I'm working so hard to get rid of my love handles and lower tummy fat. Yes it has dramatically reduced already but it still exists and I'm still insecure about it). On the right I'm standing straight and comfortably. I'm lightly flexing and I've adjusted my bottoms to hide my love handles. I'm thankful for bikini bottoms that now fit well and hide these but I'm also trying to show that they still exist quite a bit and that not everything we see meets the eye here on social media. You can show you best angles and hide your flaws but at the end of the day what we chose to showcase is a reflection of ourselves. My body isn't perfect. I still have imperfections and flaws that I'm slowly learning to be comfortable with. I want to be real and honest and open. Yes I've accomplished a lot, but yes my body still has less than ideal days when it doesn't look its best. Fitness and health is not a fix. It's not a destination. It's a lifestyle. If you force your progress you know who you are cheating?! You. You only cheat you. Yes I like to show my best most of the time but I've also realized by not showing my worst that it only harms myself. Being vulnerable and imperfect is hard but lying to yourself is worse. I know I'm hard on myself, it's a flaw on its own, but I'm slowly learning to be gentle and kind but it starts with being truthful to myself and knowing and understanding my imperfections and realizing that, although they exist, they don't define me. I am not a before picture. I am not an after picture. I am not fat nor am I perfect. I'm flawed. I'm scarred. I'm insecure. But I'm learning and I'm hopeful that one day I'll fully love me

Une photo publie par Jess: My Fitness Journal (@plankingforpizza) le

>>> Dab, whip nae nae... Cette gymnaste se la joue hip hop et bluffe des millions d'internautes <<<

"A gauche, ma posture est mauvaise, je pousse sur mon ventre et mon maillot de bain fait ressortir mes hanches. Aussi douloureux que ce soit de s'exposer ainsi, cela permet de montrer que mon corps est loin d'être parfait et qu'il me reste du travail à faire (...). A droite, je me tiens droite. Je fléchis légèrement les jambes et j'ai fait en sorte de cacher mes poignées d'amour (...). Je veux être vraie et honnête" a t-elle écrit.

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Et d'ajouter que si elle aime se montrer sous son meilleur jour la plupart du temps, elle a "également réalisé que de ne pas se montrer sous son vrai jour pouvait être encore plus blessant". "Etre vulnérable et imparfaite est dur, mais se mentir à soi-même est encore pire. Je continue à apprendre et à m'accepter et j'espère bien qu'un jour, je m'aimerai entièrement" a conclu la jeune femme.

Découvrez l'évolution de Jessica Pack :

Following my girl @squatting_for_donuts lead in #bbgprogresslove Her post was about the importance of progress photos. So I'm going to do the same. Did I want to ever post my before picture? NO because I was really embarrassed and not proud of my current state. For the first 12 weeks, I took a progress photo every week. I wanted to document every step of the process! I tried to always use the same outfit and lighting but it didn't always work out that way. My progress in the beginning was fairly dramatic in my stomach and now it's more in my hips. My legs on the other hand are taking their sweet time I debated between so many different pictures (because I have plenty ) for the last three photos. I thought these all look exactly the same! Nothing has changed! But then I thought for honesty sake, it was necessary to try to not force progress that isn't there . Am I bummed that I don't see much change between the last three photos? Yes! But I also can't help but be PROUD! I've changed so much from the beginning. Maybe my progress has slowed a lot but I have come so far!! It has taken time, energy, consistency, dedication, patience, sacrifice, and love. I love and appreciate my body so much more now for what it's capable of doing, not just for what it looks like! Take progress photos for YOU! You don't have to share them if you're too intimidated by it, but do it regardless!!! I promise you'll surprise yourself. And that reward and feeling is all you need to keep yourself moving forward. You will not change over night. You will not change every week. But every exercise and every clean meal is a step in the right direction. Change is slowwww but little changes add up to big results over time. You just need a little drive, a little love, a positive attitude, and a little motivation, so take those pictures babes! Your future self will thank you

Une photo publie par Jess: My Fitness Journal (@plankingforpizza) le

I've got a baby bicept!!! Now if only my legs would hurry up and shrink that would be great lol

Une photo publie par Jess: My Fitness Journal (@plankingforpizza) le

Sorry my current pic is a little rough, but I literally rolled out of bed and threw on my suit just to take this pic I wasn't going to weigh myself today, but I did. I've always been embarrassed by my weight. And it's not because of how I look but the number itself. I've always thought it embarrassingly too high! In the past I was obsessed with the scale. I had a weight range in mind. If I gained even a pound, I'd eat less or workout more to try to keep progressing. As I've gotten older, I've realized that number was far too low for me especially in terms of lifelong maintenance. I lost my obsession with numbers (weight, counting cals, etc) and focused more on feeling. When I started this journey I had one goal in mind. It wasn't to gain abs and a thigh gap or even about loosing weight. It was simply to become fit and healthy and FEEL happy and confident. So maybe this morning I did gain 3 lbs since my last weigh in, but I'm not even slightly upset about it because I finally see that leg progress haha. I was losing about a piund and week but this is only an 11 lb difference. I will be honest, today I'm 50lbs more than that number I always had in my head yet I'm so content with how I look. This is not a race or competition with anyone but you. You cannot force progress. Be patient, treat your body right, and it will reward you in time! Yes I still have work to do (and weight to lose) but if anything it proves how wrong I was. You are so much more than that number on the scale. Do not let it define or control you!! Focus on how you feel and I guarantee you will be happier

Une photo publie par Jess: My Fitness Journal (@plankingforpizza) le

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